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Friday, 13th January 2023
Saturday, 14th January 2023

Volkshaus Zurich
Stauffacherstrasse 60, 8004 Zürich

Solidarity Party
On Saturday, from 21:00: Food and drinks at Provitreff, Sihlquai 240, 8005 Zürich

Am Samstag 10:30 Uhr im Foyer des Volkshaus und ab 11:00 Uhr in der Spielbaracke auf dem Kanzleiareal.

The following events at the Other Davos 2023 will be available via livestream on YouTube:
Plenary Session: Perspectives of Solidarity in a burning World
The Iranian Revolution and International Solidarity
Resistance Against War and Neoliberalism in Ukraine
Plenary Session: For an Internationalist Antifascism!


In Solidarity Against Inflation, Climate-Disaster and War

The pandemic has not yet been overcome and the world is already being shaken by a host of new crises, which combine to create a complicated situation for the ruling classes and the emancipatory movements. These are combining to create a complicated situation for the ruling classes and emancipatory movements. The developments are so dynamic that even the World Economic Forum (WEF), which will take place in Davos from 16-20 January 2023, has so far held back with releasing a motto or any announcements on topics to be discussed. The business elites warn: The world is at a critical turning point at which the sheer number of ongoing crises requires courageous collective action. On this we can agree, although our understanding of collective action is rather different from that of the rich and powerful of this world. In 2023, they will be meeting in the Swiss mountains to discuss how they can save the profits of the capitalists for as long as possible – at the expense of the poor and the climate.


Workshops and Plenary Sessions

Friday Evening (19:00-21:30)

Plenary Session: Perspectives of Solidarity in a burning World

We are currently experiencing a dramatic escalation of the contradictions of capitalist society. War, ecological crisis, inflation and poverty are raising the stakes of the challenges the left is facing. Our answers must inevitably question capitalist power and property relations.


Saturday Morning (10:30 – 13:00): 

Workshop: The Iranian Revolution and International Solidarity


Niloofar Rasooli, historian and journalist focusing on conflicts and women’s history in Iran,

and an other Iranian activists.

Saturday Morning (10:30 – 13:00):

Workshop: Russian Imperialism and Putin’s Future


 Ilya Matveev, exiled socialist activist and political scientist (originally from St. Petersburg), contributor to the anti-war magazine Posle,

and Anna Jikharevareporter for the weekly newspaper WOZ.

Saturday Morning (10:30 – 13:00): 

Workshop: Tackle the Energy-Crisis with Ecologically and with Solidarity!


Christian Zeller, professor of economic geography in Salzburg and author of “Revolution für das Klima. Why we need an eco-socialist revolution”

and Lorenz Keysser, sustainability researcher at the University of Lausanne and activist of Degrowth Switzerland.

Saturday Morning (10:30 – 13:00): 

Workshop: Abolish! For a World without Police and Militarized Border Regimes! 


Mark Akkermanactive with abolishfrontex/ stopthewaronmigrants.


Saturday Afternoon (14:30 – 17:00)

Workshop: Resistance Against War and Neoliberalism in Ukraine


Yuliya Yurchenko, lecturer in political economy at the University of Greenwich (UK), author of the book “Ukraine and the Empire of Capital: From Marketisation to Armed Conflict”, 

Tasha Lomonosova, activist of the Ukrainian socialist rganization Sotsialnyi Rukh (SR); fled from Kyiv to Berlin in March 2022,

and Hanna Perekhodafrom Donetsk, political scientist at the University of Lausanne, activist of solidaritéS and the Ukraine-Switzerland Committee.

Saturday Afternoon (14:30 – 17:00)

Workshop: Defensive Trade Union Policies and the Struggles Against the Energy Crisis


Simon Hannahtrade unionist with Unison (public service) and activist with Anti-Capitalist Resistance (ACR) in England,

Charlotte Powell, activist of the Tenants’ Union in London (LRU) and Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century (rs21),

Taisie Tsikas, active in the Don’t Pay campaign against energy price rises in England, the Unite trade union and Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century (rs21),

and Christoph Wälz, socialist activist, teacher and member of the GEW (Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft) in Berlin.

Saturday Afternoon (14:30 – 17:00)

Workshop: Socialize Energy Infrastructure!


Simon Pirani, author of “Burning Up: a global history of fossil fuel consumption”, Honorary Professor University of Durham

and Jonna Klick, commons Institute, author of

Saturday Afternoon (14:30 – 17:00)

Workshop: The Extreme Right and Antifascist Resistance in Europe 


Tatjana Söding, Human Ecologist and activist of the Zetkin Collective (research group on right-wing extremism and climate justice) in Sweden and Germany,

and Eliana Como trade unionist (CGIL) and member of Sinistra Anticapitalista.

 Saturday Evening (18:00 – 21:00)

Plenary Session: For an Internationalist Antifascism!


Mark Akkermanactive with abolishfrontex/ stopthewaronmigrants,

Niloofar Rasooli, historian and journalist focusing on conflicts and women’s history in Iran,

Tatjana Söding, activist of the Zetkin collective (research group on right-wing extremism and climate justice),

Michael Heldt, activist of the International Socialist Organization (ISO) in Germany,

and activists of the Movement for Socialism (BFS).

The Other Davos in past years